Photo: Getty Images
David Draiman of Disturbed was well known for many years for his unique chin piercings, and Draiman says it was part of a plan to stick out when the band finally got signed.
Draiman tells Revolver that as Disturbed was getting off the ground, he worked as an administrator for a healthcare facility, and that when he quit to pursue music, his parents were not happy. "[It was] a six-figure salary, company car, company phone, company pager back in those days. And so leaving that to go try and be a rock star, my parents thought I was nuts. It created quite a rift at the time."
As for the piercings, Draiman explains, "There were two things I did once I quit my job. Once I knew that we had a record deal coming, I shaved my head and I did the double labret. And yeah, I just wanted to do something that was original that nobody else had."
Draiman adds that the new look was not a hit with his folks. "It took them a while before they saw it...and my mom cried. They were not happy."
Draiman finally ditched the piercings in 2018.
Friday, December 16, 2022 - 10:17 AM
David Draiman of Disturbed revealed the origin of his chin piercings.
Publish Date Timestamp
Fri, 12/16/2022 - 10:17