Photo: Getty Images
Lzzy Hale believes that the early days of the pandemic had a big impact on one important relationship she had -- the one with her guitar.
Hale told Guitar World that “I believe I ended up getting worse as a player -- and then I had to play catch-up as soon as we got back in the studio. There was a period where I couldn’t even look at the guitar without feeling sad. You almost question your love of music. But then it was like, ‘All right, stop pity-partying this. Just get your [crap] together and do something about it.’"
Hale said that things with her and the guitar worked out, especially since she has her own signature guitar, the Gibson Explorerbird. She added that its popularity was surprising. “The response has been amazing. I really wasn’t expecting that. I’ve put out signature things before and those went gangbusters, but this one was a little weird. I was nervous. I mean, ‘Is anybody actually gonna like this but me?'"
Monday, October 3, 2022 - 10:29 AM
Publish Date Timestamp
Mon, 10/03/2022 - 10:29